Code bases / Repositories


“SurfplanAdapter”: scripts able to automatically extract kite geometry from a Surfplan file and calculate moment of intertia

“LEI-strut-in-CATIA”: containing CAD Files, including a strut creating tutorial

Structural Code

“Particle_System_Simulator”: a particle system model, for analyzing the deformation of line systems and membranes

“TUD-V3-kite-depower-2plate”: Two-plate model of the depower mechanism, a tetrahedron and trilateration algorithm calculate the width as functions of the bridle length changes


“Vortex-Step-Method”: A fast aerodynamic model tailored for kites, also includes bridle drag.

“Pointwise-OpenFoam-toolchain”: containing automic meshing scripts for a given 2D Airfoil, with the python version tailored to LEI kites